


Advocacy Works project

Advocacy Works Employment Support (Inclusive Growth)

Advocacy Works provides a wrap around community advocacy service prioritising vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals who are on Inclusive Growth projects but also working with wider agencies to support Worcester City residents facing personal or systemic barriers which are holding them back on their journey into employment or to sustain employment.

People with disability or health problems; lone/young parents, care leavers frequently struggle with lack of confidence, acute anxiety, literacy, communication and understanding. They may be facing a whole range of other difficulties in their lives including finance, housing, family breakdown and accessing other support.

These circumstances often make it difficult for people to engage with the help and support offered and may require additional support to move into employment in relation to accessing and using support services such as Job Centre Plus services, training, volunteer and work placement opportunities. In addition they are likely to need wider support with other aspects of their lives for example housing, benefits, and health and wellbeing services.

The Advocacy Works project will enable partner agencies to call on an advocate for Worcester City residents who need extra support and Onside will support these individuals.

In work advocacy is also available working between employees and employers to support new employees to bed in, or help existing employees to sustain employment whilst facing difficulties and challenges.

For further information:

Contact: 01905 27525 or Accesshub@onside-advocacy.org.uk

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